Wednesday, November 14, 2012

NaNoWriMo Is Eating My Brain

I think the title sums it up pretty nicely. I mean, really, is there anything else that need be said? I know, I could make a list of all of the things that I'm putting on hold to do NaNoWriMo.

Here it goes:
  1. My pre-NaNo novel, Hate Jacket, much to the chagrin of my betas and my main character. Did I mention that I left him hanging in the middle of a chapter? Yeah, he's pissed.
  2. Sleeping. Yeah, who needs it. Sleep is for the weak.
  3. Social life. Ok, I didn't have one before, so I guess this doesn't really count...but still.
  4. Reading. Yeah, not reading much. Managed to squeeze in a couple chapters of an ARC of Greta and the Goblin King by Chloe Jacobs. I really want to read more. It's well written and the world is well designed. Also, characters are so fun. Sigh. All things are secondary to NaNo. Notice the monotone robot voice? Yeah, I'm fully assimilated. Resistance is futile.
  5. Family. Ok, not really. I'm sure they'd like me a little more focused on them, but I have been paying some attention to them...I think...what were their names again?
  6. My internal editor. He hates it. I had to duct tape his mouth shut and bury him in the back yard. He's haunting me from beyond the grave. It isn't pretty. I've also done my best to stuff Self-Doubt in there but he keeps oozing out between the cracks. May need to invest in a flamethrower.
  7. My #writemotivation cheering. Yeah, um sorry about that. I try.
  8. Anything else I can't remember that I've forgotten.
So there you have it. Currently, I'm about 6K behind in my quest for the elusive 50K. At the pace I'm writing, I'll hit 50K sometime on the 8th of December. However, there are several days off coming up and I should get some decent writing in.

So, I'm making my very vague #writemotivation goals of surviving NaNoWriMo, but not doing so well in my encouragement of my fellow #writemotivation tweeps. Hell, I haven't even updated my twitter list and for that I'm sorry.

For all the writers out there who are struggling with self-doubt, here's a little picture that might help. Wow...that rhymed unintentionally. :D

'Till next time.


  1. LOL That picture=So my plotting method, once you add in more blankly staring at the wall/floor/out the window/etc. And I think you're doing fine at motivating! *hands you cookies*

  2. *hugs, cookies, and DINO!*

    I so feel your pain!

    1. *hugs* Thanks. :D *noms cookies and dinos* Ooops...sorry. ;D

  3. 6k isn't much to be behind - I've come back from worse word counts to kill NaNo! You can totally do it!

  4. Love the image of your inner editor being buried in the back garden. Just remember, you're halfway through the madness then you'll have TWO great MSs when you've finished HJ.

    1. LOL. Not sure about the quality of writing in the NaNo project. Trying not to think about it too much. :D

  5. I'm cheering for you Andrew! I'm also about 6k behind right now... hopefully we'll get caught up this weekend! Keep writing :)

  6. Urgh I know how you feel, I tried last year. Wish I'd have given it a go this year though. Keep going you're doing fabulous x

    1. Thanks, Scarlett. :D Yes, you should give it another go. If nothing else, you are focused on writing for a month. :D

  7. You're not doing badly. You are managing to post to your blog and your word count is rising. Heck, I use your word count as my inspiration.

    Hang in there and keep up the good work. As for self doubt - try some ooze repellent, or sprinkle him with sand maybe it'll bog him down.

    Good Luck and Keep at it

    1. Thanks, MAJK. I'm humbled.

      I'll see about getting some ooze repellant. Maybe surround my house in a circle of salt.
