Wednesday, June 12, 2013

June #writemotivation update Week 2

ACK! I almost forgot to do this! Shame on me!

*gets bloody scourge from the blood scourge closet*

Seriously, thought, lots of stuff going on in my head. I'm starting to get a good feel for how I want Snapshot to go and even the characters. It has some serious dark stuff, but not the same or to the same degree as Hate Jacket. That kind of dark doesn't fit. Snapshot will be lighter and I hope to get some snappy interplay between my two lead characters.

But there will be drama. As a matter of fact, I actually made myself slightly ill while writing the first chapter. Not that anything was happening directly to my MC, it was more how people were acting around her. Where Hate Jacket will make your heart pound, I think Snapshot will break your heart a little.

Now for my goals.

  1. Try not to kill my muse My muse and I have agreed to a cease-fire.
  2. Write up character stuff and whatnot for “Snapshot”, aka the Uber Plot Bunny. Going well so far. I'm not up to a chapter a week yet, but getting there.
  3. Blog once a week. Almost missed it this week!
  4. Cheer on my buddies. I've tossed out some #writemotivation dino tackles and stuff, but need to hit some blogs.
  5. Try not to obsess about HJ being at Mentor Agent. Struggling with this, but I've talked to a couple people about it and I'm ok for the time being.
I should probably save this gif for awesome news, but I can't resist. It's adorable.

'Till Next Time.


  1. Keep going! You're doing well. :)

    Also, fellow librarian in the house. *High five*

    1. Woot! :D Lots of things swimming in my brain this month. Wish I could take some time off and just write. Of course, if I stopped playing Skyrim so much...

  2. Great goals, hope you reach them. Not killing the muse is a good thing! :)

    1. Thanks and yeah, I've decided that it would detrimental to my health to off her. Not to mention it would require a lobotomy...

  3. So happy to see you're alive...I was beginning to wonder if NinjaDino got sidetracked on a mission of his own! :D

    Hope all is well on the home front. You know how to get a hold of me if you need to vent.


    1. Thanks, Jai. :D Things are doing better and I'm trying to get back into the swing of #writemotivation.

  4. Let me know how that cease-fire works out for you. Catalyst is starting to not shut up again... and is changing a lot O.O.

    1. It's working, but now my muse wants to write two stories at once. o.O Good luck with Catalyst! :D

  5. Good luck with your cease-fire as well as your goals. That gif is awesome!

  6. Looks like you're doing awesome with your goals so far! And I hope you get good news back from the Mentorship!

  7. love how you described both of your books in one sentence. nice. my next project is also going to be much less dark and heavy than the previous one. it's too hard to dwell in the dark for so long. my mind needed a break.

    good luck on the goals! and i'm so with you on not obsessing/totally freaking out about how one particular agent who has my full ms is making progress. i want that phone call!

    what's helped me a bit is continuing to query other agents. it at least gives my nervous energy somewhere to go.

    1. LOL. In my case, my brain has decided to focus on three different stories at once.

  8. I'm pretty sure I commented on this. One of my computers is being a brat.

    Anyways great job in your progress! You are a rockstar.

    I'm happy to hear you have a cease fire with your character. One of mine is plotting my demise as I'm trying to plot hers. It's crazy. So I know where you are at. :-)

    Keep up the amazing work on your goals darling.

    1. And speaking of goals, I need to do this weeks goals.
